Senin, 22 Desember 2014

Shower of tears

Despite the horizons has leave its earth, 
like cotton breath is vengeful. 
Then, will be reflected in the dumps by eyes 
that speak to the direction of the wind. 
The sound from your orals, 
it is audible call names that I know.

Wait the time to pick me up, 
look the world shoo me with my fault. 
I know, perhaps you be sorry for my born? 
And will torment those who gave me birth. 
I will be run, or killed you with night 
who wants to my best friend to defeated you.

and she works from sun to the sun, 
she loves never die and done. 
I believe the dark will always come to cover 
the light that has dimmed but 
sure will soon shine when the time comes.
